New! MRO F1 Engineering photobooks now available.
Welcome to MRO F1 Engineering, home of 1/12 Scale Models!

1) I am anxious to find a helpful, enthusiastic willing individual with an Oki printer, able to print white decals (with colour too), preferably with computer art-design skills, such as Coral Draw or other. Such work commissioned by me, would of course be paid for.

Perhaps Roger Evans with his Oki printer can rejoin the team and enable me to carry-on, if you are willing and able, for our original project is incomplete and I have no means by which to pay the agreed fee, unless Roger Evans makes contact again.

Currently, Paul Robson in the north of England provides a service producing very good decals.

The alternative sometimes, is use of vinyl prints (sometimes as thin as 0.1mm) can be sourced in small volumes at commercial outlets.

2) Access to a real full size HewlandTL200 gearbox (re 1975 Shadow DN5,) for purpose of photographing and measuring, preferably in isolation of a car – achieved via WDK Motorsport in 2014.

A pattern is currently being made by Brian L Fawcett (Models & Patterns) and hopefully will be made available later in 2019 – this was joyfully completed and delivered in summer 2023, thank you Brian.

3) I would like to acquire a copy of Scale Auto Modeller (Vol 1, Issue 4) to complete my collection. This Back-Issue is no longer available and I would be very grateful if anyone had a copy they could sell to me; condition is not too important as long as it is a complete item. This issue was published in February 1999 and features a blue Subaru Impreza on the front cover. Thank you.

4) The McLaren M23, 1974, Watkins Glen used a radio-system in the car. Photographs of F1 racing in N.America are rare and I know of none with the cockpit surround on an M23 at Watkins Glen removed. This would show the radio equipment in place and I would be immensely grateful if anyone had access to such a photo or a first-hand/other reliable recollection of the arrangement used. Gordon Coppuck cannot recall details of this fleeting experiment and so far my contacts at McLaren haven’t been able to help. Thank you for any extra information!

5) I am very keen to obtain a set of Studio 27 decals for the Tamiya Lotus 72D in 1.12 scale. If any one has a set, they are willing to sell, please let me know.

If you become aware that Tamiya has re-released the 1/12 Lotus 72D model and that as a result Studio 27 has re-issued the decal set, please let me know, for I could justify purchasing two or three decal sheets for this model – thank you Andy Mathews.

6) I would very much like to acquire an Andy Mathews Formula One model, should any become available in the UK. Equally, I would really like to see a Gerald Wingrove model and consider purchasing an example. One of the Patrice De Conto sports car models would be a joy to see, for possible acquisition also.

Please contact me ( should any of these aspirations of mine, become available.

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